Viernes, 17 mayo 2024
Fuera de Foco
21 de noviembre de 2016

Muestra cómo ser padre de 4 hijas y es furor en las redes

A través de unas hilarantes fotos, Simon Hooper muestra cómo sobrevivir a la paternidad teiendo 4 hijas mujeres.

Muestra cómo ser padre de 4 hijas y es furor en las redes

Este padre londinense llamado Simon Hooper y su cuenta de Instagram —en la que comparte protagonismo con su mujer y sus cuatro hijas— se ha convertido en todo un fenómeno social.

Simon y su esposa Clementine tienen cuatro hijas: una de nueve años, otra de seis y dos gemelas de unos 11 meses. Hooper ha compartido fotos y vídeos de sus hijas en la cuenta de Instagram father_of_daughters (Padre de niñas) con el objetivo de documentar como es el día a día de un padre y una madre —de familia acomodada— con cuatro hijas.

La cuenta de Instagram de Hooper tiene actualmente más de 260.000 seguidores gracias su hilarante forma de mostrar el día a día junto a su mujer y sus hijas. En una de sus publicaciones más virales —casi 19.000 me gusta— cuenta cómo fue ir a comprar pañales a un supermercado.

El hombre es director de operaciones de una consultoría con sede en Estados Unidos. Además, afirma que como padre también es "taxista, instructor de natación, tutor, cocinero, consejero y personal shopper".

Mirá las fotos más graciosas de Hooper en su cuenta de Instagram:

The curse of being called Simon when at a children's birthday party - I am immediately rolled out for the obligatory game of 'Simon says'. Of course I take it easy to start with and filter out those that can't keep up. After separating the wheat from the chaff, we get to the hard core pros who know their stuff. I finally kill them all off with the old stand on one leg, close one eye and stick out your tongue. The remaining kids think I'm taking it too seriously, get bored and run off leaving me looking like a proper tool. I might have taken competitive dadding too far- they're only 6 after all, oh well. #competitivedad #ifyouplaywithmeweplayforreal #playhard #happybirthday #simonsays #happysunday #fatherofdaughters #instadad #parenting #kidsparty #dadlife

Una foto publicada por Simon (@father_of_daughters) el

The wonders of modern technology. Why, oh why did I give my eldest an ipod touch? Yes, its great to stay in contact while im away but my inbox is now full of emoji based spam from my bored daughter. (The emoji poo is a firm favourite). Today while in meetings, I convinced her that because I'm 8 hours ahead of her (I.e. in the future), I could send her the lottery numbers and shes guarenteed to win as i already know the winning ones. Took her a while to figure out that wasn't actually the case, made me laugh though! FYI Yes I look shattered but I've been travelling for 22 hours so what do you expect!! #wecouldhavewonthelottery #remoteparenting #kidsandtechnology #whyalwaystheemojipoo #emojispam #workingaway #fatherofdaughters #dadlife #instadad

Una foto publicada por Simon (@father_of_daughters) el

This week my eldest has been doing sex education at school. Shes very mature about it & having a midwife as a mum, they know a lot more than your average kid, no 'front bottoms' or 'nunnys' in this house, it's strictly a 'vagina' affair (which coincidently would be a great title for a drama series on TV) That said, she's chosen tonight (when @mother_of_daughters is away) to ask questions about men which makes me feel like an embarrassed child, but i promised to tell her the truth. My personal favourites - "do you wear a condom daddy?" Me - "Yes". Then why do you have so many children? Touchè. "Have you and mummy had sex more than 3 times?" I laughed proudly - "Way at least 9 or 10 times" ( I didn't want to come across as a sex crazied maniac). Can wait to until she asks if I've ever masturbated.....I will actually curl up in a ball and die #sexeducation #shestheadultimthechild #sheknowsmorethanme #dontaskaboutmasturbationorilldie #ivedoneitloads #fatherofdaughters #instadad #dadlife #parenting

Una foto publicada por Simon (@father_of_daughters) el


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